Home Travel 4 typical Albanian food: introduction to its gastronomy!

4 typical Albanian food: introduction to its gastronomy!

by Clare Louise

The cuisine of Albania is very varied, which is why it has the most diverse flavors. However, if you examine the cuisine of the region well, you can identify clear influences from the cuisine of the Balkans and the Mediterranean that have been modified and brought to their maximum point with the mixture of local flavors. However, this does not mean that typical food Albania does not offer something for every occasion.


If we are going to talk about typical Albanian food, we have to start by talking about Byrek. It is one of the most famous dishes in Albania, as well as in other Balkan countries. It is a delicious savory cake made with filo dough, and it can be served as a breakfast, a complement for lunch or as a dinner. There are different types of Byrek, depending on the ingredients with which it is filled, among which one of the tastiest is spinach.

Tave kosi

Tave Kosi is another of the great dishes of Albanian cuisine. In fact, it is one of the most appreciated dishes by Albanians. Although it is a typical dish from Elbasan, a city near Tirana, this dish has become so popular that the truth is that you can get it all over the country. Made with lamb, eggs and yogurt, it is one of the typical dishes of the food of this region that you should not stop trying. Of course, the best place to try it is Elbasan, where this dish originates from.

Typical Albanian food, Fergese

This delicious dish uses one of the most popular ingredients in Albanian food, paprika. In addition, it combines with two other delicacies, tomato and cottage cheese, which forms a cream that is usually accompanied with a little homemade bread. It is a very popular dish in the central region and in the capital of Albania, and it is one of the best lunches you can eat in this country. Despite being a relatively simple dish to prepare, it is very popular in this country.


One of the marked differences that Albanian cuisine has with Mediterranean is that in Albania red meat is one of the main sources of protein. In fact, it is usually present in almost any strong food and an example of this is the Qofte. It is one of the most popular meat dishes in the region, made from roasted meatballs, although you can also find them with other types of cooking. Qofte is generally seasoned with spices and mint and served with raw onion and salad.