Home Travel Why Gorilla Trekking in Uganda and Rwanda is an Unforgettable Experience

Why Gorilla Trekking in Uganda and Rwanda is an Unforgettable Experience

by Clare Louise

Gorilla trekking is a thrilling experience. Only Uganda, Rwanda and the DRC allow people to see critically endangered mountain gorillas in their native habitat. The easiest gorilla trekking locations are Rwanda and Uganda. You can choose based on your travel style and interests.

They do not reproduce in captivity. This is why huge apes are found only deep in the wooded areas of Central Africa. Approximately half of all mountain gorillas live in the Virunga Mountains of Rwanda. Another large population can be found in Bwindi.

Gentle giant mountain gorilla households are often encountered during Gorilla trekking in Uganda and Rwanda. They are headed by silverback males. These social creatures enjoy being around other animals. They spend their days foraging for food. They also groom their young.

Going Gorilla Trekking In Uganda

The more famous Bwindi contains nearly 20 gorilla groups. It is popular to go hiking in deep misty woods at this park. With its rugged, rocky terrain, hiking at Bwindi is very challenging. Finding a family of gorillas after walking for hours through the bush is the best way to see this experience.

However, Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is smaller and less popular, providing a closer experience. Treks are high in the Virunga Mountains Park. Even though Mgahinga has fewer gorillas, the experience is intriguing. Because the area is secluded and few people come, trekkers often feel alone with the gorillas. Uganda hiking is cheap.

Gorilla Trekking In Rwanda

Volcanoes National Park offers mountain gorilla trecks. The study on gorillas that Dian Fossey conducted made this the most famous place for gorilla trekking globally. This location is well connected from Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, and takes about 2–3 hours to reach. In addition, this area will be loved by those who are short-trip tourists.

Rwanda offers premium gorilla trekking. The country features luxury hotels and interesting tours for stylish guests. Most people think Rwanda is kinder than Uganda since the trails are shorter and flatter. Rwanda’s gorilla trekking permits cost more than Uganda’s, thus this convenience costs.

Tourism in Rwanda is worth the additional cost, say many. The comfortable accommodations and easy route enable guests to enjoy the experience without tiring as on difficult climbs. The Virunga Mountains’ massive volcanoes and rich vegetation enhance gorilla interactions.

What Conservation Does for People

Uganda and Rwanda conserve gorillas because they’re important to their ecosystems and tourism. Gorilla climbing permits finance police anti-poaching, environmental, and community development. Climbers in any country conserve critically endangered gorillas.

Uganda and Rwanda protect mountain gorillas. Over the decades, these species have proliferated. This success story shows how sustainable tourism works and how dedicated citizens, environmentalists, and governments are. Seeing these initiatives and knowing your visit helps save gorillas and their habitat makes the Gorilla trekking experience more meaningful.

Uganda or Rwanda?

Gorilla climbing in Uganda or Rwanda depends on your interests. Uganda is cheaper and more interesting, with many fauna and scenery. Although hiking is harder, the benefits are significant. Rwanda is more accessible and enjoyable, with fewer mountains and better lodgings.


This gentle giants’ uncommon sighting in Central Africa’s verdant forests is remarkable. Gorilla trekking is unforgettable for everyone, whether they like Uganda’s ruggedness or Rwanda’s luxury.